


The Self-Government of the Komárno Town, Komarno and Its Outskirts Civilic Organization and the Municipal Cultural Centre in Komárno


under the auspices of the Mayor of the Komárno Town

and in cooperation with the Budapest Operetta Theatre




11th Year of the International Operetta Singing Competition of Franz Lehár

in categories prima donna solo, bon vivant solo and the duet soubrette – buffo


Main auspices: The Mayor of the Komárno Town

Main sponsor of the competition: Institute for the Minorities´ Culture in Slovakia


Organiser and auspices of the competition: The Self-Government of the Komárno Town


Organiser: The Municipal Cultural Centre in Komárno, Komarno and Its Outskirts Civilic Organization

Co-production partner of the competition: The Budapest Operetta Theatre and the Cluj-Napoca Hungarian Opera

Aim of the competition: international popularization of operetta genre and discovery of new talents


Genre of competition performances: classic operetta






1. prima donna (dramatic and lyric soprano)


2. bon vivant (heroic and lyric tenor)




3. soubrette – buffo


Place of competition:


1st round (casting) – Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Krakow, Moscow, Cluj-Napoca – during March- April 2019


2nd - 3rd round (semi-final) – The Municipal Cultural Centre in Komárno


Date of final: 3th - 4th – 5th May 2019

Conditions for participation: detailed professional CV, a photo of a whole figure, perfectly filled application form. Graduation from a conservatory or a university of the arts is not condition.


Age limit:


Women – 18-32 years


Men – 18-35 years


Date of submission of application forms: 20th March 2019

Registration procedure: interested persons may download the application form from the web site A participant fee is 70 EUR, it is due via transfer in two instalments. Each participant is obliged to pay the first instalment of 20 EUR at respective organisers according to his place of residence; the second instalment of 50 EUR will be paid by those, who will proceed to the second round. The fee is used to cover the expenses related to accommodation with breakfast during the 2nd – 3rd rounds, till a competitor is in the competition.


Please send the application form, notice of the participant fee payment, professional CV and the photo to the address:


Mestské kultúrne stredisko


Hradná 1


945 01 Komárno, SR



via e-mail to the address


Progress of the competition:


1st round (casting in the place closest to a place of residence):


Evaluation of application forms, casting during March – April via special written notification. Presentation: an arbitrarily chosen aria or duet from Franza Lehár´s work and an arbitrarily chosen song from an operetta of a different author.


2nd round (the semi-final in the Komárno town, in total for 28-36 participants of the competition):


a., an arbitrarily chosen aria or duet from Franza Lehár´s work, piano accompaniment

b., an arbitrarily chosen aria or duet with piano accompaniment from a classic operetta


(e.g. J. Strauss, I. Kálmán, J. Offenbach, K. Millöcker, L. Fall, F. von Suppé, J. Huszka, A. Szirmai, or from a work of a competitor’s national author)


3rd round (the final in Komárno, for 4-5 prima donnas, 4-5 bon vivants and 3-4 pairs):


a., obligatory interpretation of the song from Lehár´s work (with orchestra):




Paganini/Paganini: Walz/ Liebe, du Himmel auf Erden




Giuditta/Giuditta: On my lips every kiss is like wine / Meine Lippen küssen so heiss




The Land of Smiles/ Das Land des Lächelns: Lisa’s Entrance/ Lisa Entrée




Gypsy Love/ Zigeunerliebe: I hear the sound of Cymbals/ Hör ich Zimbal klänge




The Land of Smiles / Das Land des Lächelns: You are my heart’s delight / Dein ist mein ganzes Herz




Friderica / Friederike: Oh Maiden, My Maiden / Ó Mädchen, mein Mädchen




Gypsy Love / Zigeunerliebe: I am a Gypsy Child / Ich bin ein Zigeuner




The Land of Smiles / Das Land des Lächelns: The Apple Blossom Song / Von Apfelblühen einen Kranz




The Merry Widow / Die lustige Witwe: Lips Stay Silent / Lippen schweigen




The Land of Smiles / Das Land des Lächelns: Who has Planted Love in our Hearts / Wer hat die Liebe uns ins Herz gesenkt




The Land of Smiles /Das Land des Lächelns: Tea Duet / Bei enem Tee á deux



Gypsy Love / Zigeunerliebe: Duet of Ilona and Józsi / Endlich Józsi bist du hier




The Count of Luxembourg / Der Graf von Luxemburg: Bohéme-Duet / Bohéme-duett




The Tsarevich/ Der Zarewitsch: Once again I will Come to You / Heute Abend komm ich zu dir




The Land of Smiles / Das Land des Lächelns: My love, Your Love / Meine liebe, deine liebe


Arbitrarily chosen aria or duet from a classic operetta, orchestra accompaniment


(e.g. J. Strauss, I. Kálmán, J. Offenbach, K. Millöcker, L. Fall, F. von Suppé, J. Huszka, A. Szirmai, or from a work of a competitor’s national author)


All the works are to be sung in an original singing voice from the official notes. No further variations of the songs are accepted. Should be sanf without a use of a microphone, in an original language or in an interpreter’s native language.

Duets (soubrette - dancing – comical) has to perform choreography in any case.

It is possible to order the music to obligatory competition songs in the Municipal Cultural Centre in Komárno. The list of optional works is necessary to be included in advance in the application form.




Participants of the final will take part in the gala program, in which following prizes will be awarded in each category:


Main prize of the competition: 3000,- eur

1st prize of each cathegory: 1000,- eur

2nd prize of each cathegory: 500,- eur


Special awards: valuable presents

International panel:
Application forms and results of the single rounds will be evaluated by the international panel. The place of the competition’s 1st round will be determined by the panel according to a competitor’s place of residence, one member of the panel together with his professional co-workers, he will choose himself, will decide who will proceed.

The whole international panel will listen to the competitors proceeding to the 2nd - 3rd round and it will decide on the final placing and distribution of the prizes. Members of the panel:

Kiss-B. Atilla – opera singer, awarded by the prizes of Kossuth, Franz Liszt and Artisjus, managing director of the Operetta Theatre in Budapest, academic, lecturer at the Franz Liszt University (head of the panel);
Szép Gyula – managing director of the Hungarian Opera in Cluj Napoca;
Mgr. art. Dagmar Livorová – lecturer of the Slovak State Conservatory in Bratislava, ex-opera soloist of the Slovak National Theatre, finalist of the Pavarotti Opera Competition in Philadephia
Ksenia Zharko – artistic director of the Women Simphonic Orchestra in Moscow, conductor;
Daniel Serafin – artistic director of the Esterházy Opera and the Wiernna Opera Bal in New York, casting producer of the international competition Competizione dell’Opera.


International contacts and information:



00421/907/799823 Monika Bajkai Csengel